Your fastenning solutions since 1916

Your fastening solutions

Our journey began in 1916

Founded by Mr.Eugene Ossian Lagerqvist, OSSIAN began supplying Industrial fastening solutions in Stockholm, Sweden in 1916.

Still in the hands of the Lagerqvist family, OSSIAN today continues to specialise in the manufacture and supply of fastening solutions and assemblies to the marine, textile, automotive, military, upholstery and outdoor leisure markets worldwide.

Mr. Eugene Ossian Lagervist Founder
High Quality Fasteners Manufactured in Europe
A perfect fit for your everyday life

Our priority is quality

We are committed to providing continuous improvement and operational efficiency to our customers.

Through Knowledge and technical expertise, we met and exceeded the needs of customers’ high performance.

We deliver wordlwide

We care the process

Through the manufacture until the product is in your hand, we guarantee that all operations are carried out to the highest standard.

Ossian Fasteners Barcelona