Returns Policy

We offer a no-hassle returns policy on any unused items still in their original (unopened) packaging, returned to us within 14 calendar days of the receipt of the order. To return an item:

  1. Please contact us at within 14 calendar days of the delivery of the goods for a Returns Number.
  2. Let us know if you’d prefer a refund or exchange.
  3. Pack up the item in secure packaging (to ensure no damage is made to the goods in transit), and return to the address given with the Returns Number within 14 calendar days.  Include your name, address and Returns Number within the package and print “Return” prominently on the packaging.
  4. Upon our receipt of the returned item, we will issue the refund to the card used in the original transaction within 7 calendar days.

If you have requested to exchange an item we will send you an invoice if the new item is of higher value than the original item.  If the new item is of lower value we will refund the difference.  In either case, additional shipping costs will be added to send out the new item.

Incorrect Orders
On rare occasions mistakes are made when packing and sending out orders.  If you have received your order and it is incorrect, please contact us at within 14 calendar days so we can sort it out.
Incorrect orders will be replaced and return postage costs will be refunded, provided the original incorrect order is returned within 14 calendar days of contacting us.

Faulty Orders
If you receive an order that is faulty upon delivery, please contact us at within 14 calendar days of receipt of the goods.  Let us know if the goods have been damaged in transit, or if they are simply damaged.
If goods develop faults in use (within 28 calendar days), please contact us immediately.
Faulty orders will be replaced or refunded (please request which you prefer) and return postage costs will be refunded, provided the original order is returned within 14 calendar days of contacting us.

Returning Items from Outside the European Union
When returning items from outside the EU, please ensure you print “Return” prominently on the packaging and declare the goods as returns to the couriers/postal service.
This will prevent your return from being delayed by customs, allowing us to process it far more quickly.
Unfortunately, failure to do this will result in the parcel being held by Customs for processing.  This can take up to 28 days to complete and will lead to an invoice for VAT plus handling (roughly 20% of the returns value) which we will pass on to you and will require payment before the parcel will be released.  This is a non-refundable charge.

Full details of our Returns Policy are available to read on our Terms & Conditions page